Wednesday 15 November 2017

The Campaign...

Day 1
Went a bit bad. We were shouting Vote D everywhere. They stole our things, someone did. We had games and people not only didn't show interest in taking part of it, but someone also stole it.
Jenny & I were kinda mad at eachother. Because of the stress. By the end of the day we sorted things out.

Day 2
Now it was Tuesday. In our place, we were selling desserts. The winning list complained about us having one and they none. We were forced to stop selling things. We tried to give them for free. Specially popcorn and cookies. No one adhered to the idea, just because we were D and not Q.
It's really hard to compete with a stage. I was trying to sing but, I could not be heard. I didnt get that much attention.

Day 3
Surprisingly some people realized we are the candidates with the best proposals to improve the school. And some other, felt integrated by our "Difference Cause". Still, far from being enough. We talked on the radio, I sang on the radio so I could be heard, we had more activities, we even tried to do things with the other list who is also losing. We simply couldn't get people to participate in our activities... We're all stressed out, they have far more people adhering to them than both our list and the other losing list together. Not only that, their fans have been really rude to us. Insulting, ridicularizing us too. Tomorrow is the debate. President's will discuss. Good Luck Jenny.

We're giving our best.

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