Monday 31 August 2015

Aspiring Perfection and Purity

Tell us about your chosen career path. Where do you work? Would you consider this your dream job? Why?

I'm still attending to college, well I think it is called that... I'm heading for year 11 on september (in some places it is still called HighSchool). Besides that, I am really keen on music and what I really want to do is to make all these beautiful and full harmony songs that I can hear in my mind at all times become real, become true, become perfect. Unfortunately music isn't a subject that brings you money in nowadays world... So I guess I'll have to take a step forward and dive into this world in search for a job...

How did you get to where you are now?

I was forced to go to school, just like everyone else. Education is right, I'm glad I have one, but the way you apply it is not. Why is it all about grades and numbers and money? You leave no blank space to creativity... World, you leave us no option and I am disappointed at you.

Looking back at your career, what do you regret most? What makes you feel happy?

I hate to admit that I'm a human. Really, I should get used to it more often but I simply don't feel like one. The things you do, I can answer why you did them but... I just don't want to become like you, no I am not happy until I fulfill my ambitions and correspond to my expectations, I chase a huge dream everyday and I feel suffocated by all these systems that mold and shape us, and the most interesting fact is that we are constantly following it! There is so much noise around me and I always feel like my path is obstruct and that dreams get more distant from me as time goes by. I just wished it all stopped. I don't know if I am sharing my life story or simply taking a weight of my chest right now, perhaps the feeling that "Someone will actually bother to read this no matter how bored they are" or "at least I tried" keep my heart warmer.

What is the best thing about your job? What is the worst?

There is so much to say and such a few time... The thing I like to do the most is creating my music of course, not attend to school where a few humans actually act like animals and can pick up on any others they want (including me). The worst part about creating my music is when it comes the time to realise it, to make it real. I just don't know where to start! And when I eventually do, sometimes I have trouble reaching the right tone or note with my voice and constantly have trouble finding the chord or note on my guitar as well. Same with tuning, lack of software (etc). And when I listen to them I get un motivated, because in my opinion they sound bad (but perhaps they simply don't sound perfect, and that's where perfectionism strikes in).

What would you like to achieve in 10 years? Have your goals changed since the beginning of your career?

In 10 years? I hope I can live for my music passion. I hope I am already able to reproduce my music perfectly, make them sound good. Otherwise I'd rather be dead and leave a slot in this damned world for you people. (Uhh too shocking? Not likely I'd kill myself, of course not. But I'd rather be dead than unhappy for the rest of my life.)

If someone with your personality type was just about to start looking for their first job, what advice would you give them?

Is that what you really want to do for the rest of your life? No? Then, PLEASE do not forget to chase your dreams, but at the same time, please try to adquire enough money to sustent yourself AND your dream. Maybe I'm being too forthright with you, although you must always keep in mind what would make you really happy.

In your opinion, which traits of your personality type help you the most? Which ones are the most problematic?

I'm constantly trying to improve myself in every single way or form, examples of that are: speaking english, composing music, playing the guitar, singing, writing, drawing, and becoming a better person. Problematic? What I'm going to mention next is either good and/or problematic at the same time, I can't imagine myself living without these characteristics: achieving perfection, purity by constant improvement. At a fast speed. I pretty much am obsessed with this, and that might be the problematic issue here.

If there was one thing you could change about your personality type, what would that be?

I wished I wasn't too egocentric, I wished I could actually be pure and a lot different from the other human beings, somehow like an angel (which is something we all are far from being am I not right?) So yeah, I wished I wasn't too egocentric... I am not sure if my personality type has a natural or prevailing tendency to become egocentric. Hope this helped anyone in someway and/or helped in the 16Personalities studies. I look forward to hear from you, FlashLight

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